Why I am writing…
True and absolute freedom is only
found in the presence of God.
~ A.W. Tozer
Why am I writing? Truth be told, I’m not sure. Yet.
However, it seems I am to write… although, I’m not even sure what I am to write aside from my own experience and expression of life as I see it and encounter it. It’s simply a prompting of the Spirit which I feel moved to act on. I can only trust that when I start to write the words will come and somehow, as I step into the unknown the way will appear – as it somehow always does in living life wildly free.
SO here goes…
I do know I cannot write from a place where I seek validation. Where I want you, my dear reader, to give me a pat on the back. I do know I write from a place where I am seeking to serve. To share. To bring my ponderings forward in case there is one person that connects with them.
I created this space because, again I use these words, of a prompting of my heart. And seemingly all of a sudden, I had a domain name, a website, a blog name, a trademark. There was a moment in me that called for action, and it filled my being with energy to create a space, to build the website, so I did. And as each barrier and frustration arose, I delved deeper into YouTube and How To guides to figure it out. Persistence. At that point not even knowing what for. Simply a propulsion forwards into the unknown. Even the name – Living Life Wildly Free, it settled on my heart and made me smile. It resonated.
At first, I thought the meaning in this name, Living Life Wildly Free, was a freedom in the sense that I am not trapped in my home in Melbourne as I was during 2 years of covid. I thought this was to be a place to share my travels. My adventures. My photos. A travel blog I supposed. But as I wrote the travel guide’s I felt my heart and soul missing from them. There is no passion. No fire in this. It does not light me up. My heart was not calling me forward into this space I created in this capacity, well not only in that capacity at any rate.
So, I faltered. Puzzling. Perplexed.
How do I serve? How do I bring my gifts forward into this world? How to I bring glory to my God? How?!
How to bring the combination of who I am into a place of service. How to bring forward my passion, creativity, expression and adventurous wild spirit, combined with all that I have been through – the good, the bad, the downright awful. The pain, the heartbreak, the healing, and the light I found on the other side. What I’ve discovered. What I’ve found on my path. All the things.
When I don’t know – when the vision isn’t clear – I just take a step forwards. It’s all there is to do really.
Trust… A tiny step and then another… Trust… But never have I stopped. Do not stop moving forwards. Trust. Step. Trust. Step. And even if the step is into the stillness and the silence to listen, it is still a step. Do not stop.
And then in my writing it came upon my heart – Living Life Wildly Free. I saw it! I understood this name at a deeper level. The reason for resonance. My mission, my purpose, my calling. AH huh! Not a perceived freedom of a life outside of ‘lockdown’, a deep freedom. Soul level freedom! Found through living in alignment. Through big faith. Big trust. Big dreams. Big courage.
So, it came, the next push, towards expression. In this space. To express my experience of life, of being, the gift of these. Of my experience of surrender. Of my faith, my highest value, and its role in my life. Of living a faith led life and the incredible unfolding of this path since I took some radical self-responsibility.
I see that part of me that feels so strange to be in this space of writing and expressing. Right now, it’s unfamiliar and strange to me to move outside of my own private journalling. Yet, I also see that part of me that longs to share how I found myself in this astonishing existence that is my life. To be of service. To help light the path for another.
So here I am, writing. Sharing with you some of my heart and soul. In a space that I never imagined I would be writing in this manner. To be very honest, it feels dangerously vulnerable. But I know, I know it to my core. In the last two years I’ve experienced it over and over and over. The magic, the synchronicity is always there for the courageous, the wild, the crazy, the bold. Those that dare step into the arena, who live life, who take a chance at failure. Those who see fear and step towards it. Those that do not care what others think and are more enraptured with the awe and wonder of this incredible life. Those who are grateful for the now.
So, what am I to write?
Just trust.
The way will appear.
Thank you for reading and I would love you to subscribe (bottom of HOME page – still need to find the right How To guide to make it appear on this page! lol) and join me on this journey into the beautiful unknown.
Would love for you to follow me on Instagram and Facebook also!

and where the Spirit of the Lord is,
there is freedom.
~ 2 Corinthians 3:17