The call of the mountain
Come walk with me ~ God
Since the greatest spiritual adventure of my life, hiking 190km solo and wild around Mont Blanc the highest mountain in Western Europe, the call of the mountain has become a perpetual one for me. This constant pull to simply drop solo into the wilderness for a long walk with God, just me and my pack and all I need to survive within. I just love it!
In the mountains, in solitude, on a long walk with God, I encounter the ultimate freedom. Physically and psychologically. This feeling, as soon as I hit the trail, of my heart and soul catapulting into the stratosphere, dancing along above me. Radiant with awe, wonder and joy. Fearless bliss. The adventure begins…
When I go to the mountain, I never take a lifeline – no satellite phone, no data, no communication, no cords connecting me to civilization, to the matrix, the clown show. I don’t plan where I will stay, or the path I will take. I just arrive and surrender – I am the mercy of the mountain, of my Creator. And there is something magical in that surrender where you drop deeply into your body and learn to read the signals of the earth which we are intrinsically linked to.
Here, I encounter a knowing, I intuit with ease. Here, I become much more aware that I am being held in God’s mighty hand. Here, the way always appears and synchronicity, the supernatural and miracles are par for the course. In the mountains what is possible is redefined.
There is a simplicity here. Superficialities of life dissolve and become meaningless. When it’s just you, the mountain and God things become so clear. There’s an incredible peace. A deeper state of being, of connection, of awe and wonder, of gratitude fills my being with no distraction.
A vividness, an aliveness to life here that isn’t found in the city… here, away from the familiarity, routine and ‘security’ of home. Here, alone, where the path is unknown and the ties to civilisation are cut. Here, it is remarkably easy for me to drop 100% into a state of being, of deep surrender to God and to simply be led. And in this release to the One that knows all I feel such freedom. A freedom I never want to be without.
Total freedom
Absolutely awake
Absolutely alive
You know, it’s never the achievement of the long walk that changes me. It’s the journey. I’m left with the story, the experience, an encounter with God, a lightness, a fullness and I know I must go again… or perhaps never leave.
Here, God reveals himself to me in extraordinary ways.
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