One Year since I was Baptised
~ Our lives gradually become brighter and more beautiful as
God enters our lives and we become more like him.
– 2 Corinthians 3:18 ~

14 August 2023, marks one year since I was baptised, so I thought I would share my testimony, more about my walk with Jesus Christ and how surrendering my life to God has changed me.
My Testimony
I grew up in Christian household, going to church every Sunday. I even went to a Christian school. God and Jesus were not foreign concepts to me. I believe I became a Christian as a child; and while I have never questioned the existence of God, my view of God the Father was one of Judge. The big scary guy in the sky that was poised ready to condemn me and punish me the moment I stepped out of line. It wasn’t a personal relationship.
As an adult, while I called myself a Christian, for about 20 years(!) I didn’t go to church, I didn’t read the Bible, I prayed only occasionally when I had something big happening AND, I was not living a life that honored God. I was in control, I was leading the way, I was in the driver’s seat of my life – having a jolly old time. Until I wasn’t. There was a cost to my heart and soul.
There was nothing crazy about my behaviour by societal standards, rather it was in complete alignment with the societal standards and what is accepted by THIS world.
So, when did things change…. well, you can read about my Heartbreak here. I hit ROCKBOTTOM, the most painful point of my life. The cosmic whacks had been getting bigger and bigger over the previous 5-10 years, and this one hit me so freaking hard the pain was inescapable. I finally paid attention!
And as I continued my journey of healing, personal transformation, letting go of the past and all that wasn’t serving me I was meditating daily in the gardens. It was becoming a powerful practice for me, undoubtably.
Then one day I prayed to God instead.
And, everything changed from there. My Heavenly Father found me, he opened my eyes and lifted the veil. Jesus Christ became my Lord and Saviour.
I came to know my Heavenly Father’s love, his grace, his mercy and it overwhelms me and fills my heart even as I write this.
Submission to Christ alone was the next step and that came around November 2021, when I took my first van trip. In a way it was an experiment for me, at that time I was a complete control freak, so with this trip I decided to SURRENDER, to stop trying to force my own way with everything. To just drive, to bring everything to him and tune into the guidance of the Holy Spirit (who lives in every Christian). And guess what, God had me, every step of the way!
From there, within a week of returning, I had the idea to build a van! He brought me to just the right van in and each day of the build he showed me what to do and how to do it. I know this sounds crazy to those who don’t live a life surrendered to God, but the thing is I built a van in 3 weeks! And I somehow knew how to, it just flowed from me. Every time, I travel in that van I am in near shock that I built it! All glory to God.
The more I let go in life, the more I surrendered to HIS will, to HIS plan for me, the more I prayed and gave every little thing in my life. Yes, even the LITTLE things to Him, the more I encountered His wonderful, mighty hand IN EVERYTHING. The alignment, the synchronicity in everything.
My next loud call was to Mont Blanc. My beautiful pilgrimage. My insanely spontaneous 11-day, 190km walk in solitude, off grid, with Jesus through the highest mountains of Europe. Completely surrendered like never before. How I encountered Jesus on those mountains will be on my heart forever! His CRAZY LOVE, his astonishing provision, the gentleness of his voice, the beauty of his presence. Miracles became normal. His supernatural intervention evident over and over again. I am again brought to tears of overwhelming gratitude for what I encountered on that mountain. You can read some of my story and many photos on Facebook, where you are VERY WELCOME to follow me.
Following my mountain pilgrimage, baptism felt to be a natural step and I put in the request to my church. And what do you know?! The date they gave me what exactly ONE YEAR after that first day started talking to my Heavenly Father like he was real, like he was in fact my heavenly father! Such sweet synchronicity.
Life has continued to unfold in the most astonishingly beautiful ways and God’s hand in all of it is so evident. No, it has not always easy, a month later I was in a horrific freak accident where half my face was torn off and I am still left with scarring and disfiguration. But I got through and He took me higher than ever, figuratively and literally – to Mount Everest!
God continues to reveal himself to me in his written word, the Bible, and in his glorious creation. When I sit down in the gardens to be still and pray, I never want to leave. To be at church with my church family, praising and worshipping him, fills my heart with joy and my eyes with tears of gratitude. To read the Bible, this spectacular, supernatural, living book each day… well, it excites me! Trust me, all of this amazes me more than anyone! Flash back a few years this was all so foreign and unbelievable to me.
And you know something else, my old ‘Want To’s’ – those things I did that were of the world. I just don’t want to. Zero desire. My ‘Want To’s’ changed!! THAT is the magnificent work of the Holy Spirit who lives in me. I don’t feel like I am missing out on a thing, rather I have found something greater. The real deal. Realer than anything I’ve ever known.
I am a different person than the one I was just a few years ago, yet I feel me more than ever!
Life with Jesus Christ, with God in the driver’s seat. Far out! Now that is the greatest adventure of all.
THAT is freedom like no other.
What’s baptism?
A public declaration of faith; of belief in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ; a celebration of being part of God’s family and an eternity with Him in heaven. Baptism by full water submersion is a symbol of the death and burial of the old me and my life of sin and then being raised with Christ to a brand-new life.
Baptism does not save someone. It’s a public declaration. You can read more HERE.
What’s a Christian?
Christians are those who believe inwardly and demonstrate outwardly that Jesus’ death on the cross has allowed God to offer them forgiveness and eternal life as a gift. They have accepted that gift through faith and are seeking to live lives of obedient gratitude for what God has done for them.
Only faith in Jesus can save us.
Being a Christian is nothing to do with religion, following rules or being ‘good’, in fact we cannot be saved by being ‘good’ – all of us fall FAR short in this regard. Rather it is God’s immeasurable grace that gives us salvation. We are saved by faith in Jesus. He is the (only way), the truth and the life. As Jesus said, no one can come to the Father except through Him (John 14:6).
So, as a Christian I can do what I want?
Well, no. The ‘law’ still has an important role to play in the lives of Christians. It gives us standards of behaviour and guides us to live lives that demonstrate love for God and our neighbours.
If you want to know more about Jesus, feel free to drop me a DM via social media, or fill out my contact form.
Pray to God and plead that he open your eyes to Him. Read the Bible (start with the book of John in the New Testament). Go to a local church that’s statement of faith is the Westminster Confession or the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith (e.g. Presbyterian or reformed Baptist).
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